1. Create a complete profile

It is a good idea to give as much professional information as possible. Provide your complete name, website address, field of expertise and/or links to your online shop. While you make a profile for a particular social media, you can always give links to other social medias and creative communities. For example, you can mention your Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter profile links in your Facebook profile.

  1. Share content that appeals

Do you know that the quality of images that you sure matter a lot? Low resolution images look poor and do not engage people as crisp high quality images do. Do not fool your audience. Always share content that is relevant and has some value to your prospective audience. Reply to inbox promptly and as accurately as possible. You should target establishing trust with your social media followers. And the pro tip; the highest number of comments that a post has the more likely is that it will be shared multiple times.

  1. Play wisely with your frequency

Choosing the correct frequency for your social media posts is bit tricky. Usually the frequency depends on the type of audience that you have and type of industry that you are playing in. Social media marketers have established different average suitable frequencies for different platforms. Basic idea is that too much delay between your posts will also affect your presence negatively as too frequent posts. Don't let people forget you and also don’t led them be fed up with you. And whenever you post, make sure you post something of value and not just for the sake of posting.

  1. Cross Promote your social media posts

Modern Digital era requires you to be active on multiple social media platforms. Each platform has its own strengths and plus points. Experts say that if you cross promote your posts, you will be able to capture different audience categories that different platforms engage. For example if you upload a video to YouTube and also upload a teaser on Facebook, the video is likely to grab more audiences. Link building is an effortful task but it is always worth it.

  1. Sell by not actively selling

If you sound like a typical sales person on your social media profile you will simply turn people off. Do not sound like actively selling on your social media profiles. It is best to act as promoting your work by sharing good quality images of it. Engaging conversations and good visual graphics and images will help your followers spread awareness of your presence in the market. However you must mention how can people buy your work if they like it. Give clear procedures and contact details.

Contact KV Tech for making your social media strategy